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Official Distributor for MimiQ by QPerfect


The World's Most Powerful Virtual Quantum Computer

Program and run quantum algorithms with unmatched speed, precision, and flexibility.
MIMIQ offers streamlined access to industry-leading quantum emulators and tools,
boasting performance that expands the boundaries of both classical and quantum computing.

  • Prepare end users for the transformative potential
    of quantum computing

  • Identify the optimal hardware platform to
    achieve quantum supremacy

  • Benchmark and improve the performance of
    real quantum computers

  • Invent, synthesize, and test new quantum

MIMIQ Technology

  • MIMIQ integrates highly efficient statevector and Matrix Product States (MPS) technologies to
    provide the gold standard for the efficient simulation of quantum algorithms and quantum computers.
  • MIMIQ is the only quantum platform that can rapidly and accurately compute arbitrary quantum circuits,
    including entanglement-limited circuits with millions of gates and thousands of qubits.
  • MIMIQ employs Matrix Product States (MPS) to offer a highly efficient compressed representation of the entire quantum state,
    enabling the simulation of quantum circuits with far more qubits than statevector techniques allow.
    For entanglement-limited circuits (e.g., the quantum Fourier transform), MPS simulation provides an exact representation,
    while for large-scale circuits with high entanglement, it can approximate with an accuracy that rivals state-of-the-art quantum computers.
  • Benefits with MIMIQ

    • Lightning-fast statevector engine

    • Large-scale Matrix Product States engine

    • Managed cloud computing resources tailored to your needs

    • Simulation of both ideal and noisy quantum circuits

    • Access to complete quantum state properties: state amplitudes, measurement outcomes, circuit fidelities, etc.

    • Support for dynamic circuits: in-circuit measurements, resets, conditional logic, etc.

    • An extensive library of circuit primitive data for efficient circuit composition and execution

    • Python and Julia libraries with comprehensive documentation

    • Full OpenQASM v2 support and compatibility with v3 features